by Natalie Gregg | Jan 1, 2017 | alternative to litigation, child custody, Child Support, Collaborative Law, division of assets, Divorce, Family Law, Finding a Collaborative Lawyer, healing from divorce, impact of divorce on children, privacy in divorce, private information
The words graceful, healthy and divorce do not go together. The first words clients use to describe the process of divorce are typically words of war: FIGHT, CUSTODY BATTLE, and WINNING. I would like to present a concept to you that is a kinder, gentler way to get...
by Natalie Gregg | Feb 13, 2013 | Divorce, Family Law
As a working mother, I understand that the parenting responsibilities placed on a mom are often substantially different than those borne by the father. While our society has mostly embraced women in the workplace, it continues to place the majority of the parenting...
by Natalie Gregg | Jan 25, 2013 | Divorce, Family Law
One of the heaviest doors to open is the one that leads into your first meeting with a divorce lawyer. In addition to all of the emotional stress that you carry, there are a seemingly endless number of questions that fill your mind about the path that you are about to...
by Natalie Gregg | Feb 12, 2012 | Divorce, Family Law
“When will this thing be over?” If you find yourself asking your attorney “are we THERE yet?,” you need to know whether the delay is being caused by your lawyer, the other party, the other lawyer, or just the process. This article addresses the...
by Natalie Gregg | Nov 22, 2011 | Divorce, Essential Reading, Family Law
What to Expect … To help you understand what to expect from your attorney, we put together these resources: FAMILY LAW “Timeline for Procedures in Family Law”...