(972) 829-3923

Mediation: Choosing Not to Shake the Magic 8 Ball at Trial

Every good ending has a hard-won and sometimes difficult beginning. Mediation is no different.  The process of ending a marriage in one day of negotiations is gut-wrenching, tragic and emotionally exhausting.  And I’m just speaking from the perspective of being the...

Be Careful What you Ask For: Why You May Reconsider Giving Your Ex More Time with Your Kids

I am paid to “fight for custody” of children, to represent parents who want the majority of access with their children- sometimes at a great cost. I watch clients walk through divorce and then live out the consequences of their choices.  Many times, clients will not...

Defining a Complex Divorce: There is No “TRY”— only “DO”

There is no TRY in divorce.  That doesn’t stop clients from trying to fix their own problems before even asking for help.  When a client walks into my office for a first consult with a printed spreadsheet detailing the division of the estate, I am impressed and...