by Natalie Gregg | Dec 27, 2015 | access, child custody, Child Support, division of assets, Family Law, healing from divorce, when to file for divorce?
There are somethings you can afford to cross your fingers and hope to get right without much effort. Divorce is not one of them. Too often, I get hired to “fix” the wrongs of a couple who thought (admirably so), that they would agree to all the terms of...
by Natalie Gregg | May 25, 2015 | division of assets, Divorce, Family Law, healing from divorce
Timing is everything. In my former, married life, as a divorce attorney, I never quite understood why clients were obsessive that their divorce pleadings filed as soon as possible. The process seemed artificially accelerated upon the client’s decision at...
by Natalie Gregg | Apr 7, 2015 | Divorce, Family Law
No one can declare victory in divorce. One party may get more custody or more money, but nobody wins. You once had something whole, and now it is divided. Whether that is half of your 401k or half of your children’s time, you no longer have the whole thing. Just like...
by Natalie Gregg | Apr 11, 2014 | cheating, Divorce, Family Law
The following blog was originally published by Natalie Gregg on The Huffington Post – Divorce. Your spouse was the person who completed you, who finished your sentences and who was the first you told of any major change. For so long, your cocoon of love...
by Natalie Gregg | Feb 13, 2013 | Divorce, Family Law
As a working mother, I understand that the parenting responsibilities placed on a mom are often substantially different than those borne by the father. While our society has mostly embraced women in the workplace, it continues to place the majority of the parenting...