by Natalie Gregg | Jan 1, 2017 | alternative to litigation, child custody, Child Support, Collaborative Law, division of assets, Divorce, Family Law, Finding a Collaborative Lawyer, healing from divorce, impact of divorce on children, privacy in divorce, private information
The words graceful, healthy and divorce do not go together. The first words clients use to describe the process of divorce are typically words of war: FIGHT, CUSTODY BATTLE, and WINNING. I would like to present a concept to you that is a kinder, gentler way to get...
by Natalie Gregg | Oct 23, 2016 | alternative dispute resolution, child custody, Child Support, complex divorce, division of assets, Divorce, Divorce Settlement, divorce trial, Family Law, Getting Past No, Getting to Yes, magic 8 ball, mediation, Negotiation, Not Giving In, Roger Fisher, William Ury
Every good ending has a hard-won and sometimes difficult beginning. Mediation is no different. The process of ending a marriage in one day of negotiations is gut-wrenching, tragic and emotionally exhausting. And I’m just speaking from the perspective of being the...
by Natalie Gregg | Nov 22, 2011 | Divorce, Essential Reading, Family Law
What to Expect … To help you understand what to expect from your attorney, we put together these resources: FAMILY LAW “Timeline for Procedures in Family Law”...