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Can I Kick my Spouse out of the House?

Not necessarily, and unfortunately, the answer is “it depends.” Without a compelling reason, such as physical violence, you and the opposing party will need to coexist in the marital home, even after you file for divorce. The good news is that you can get...

Is gambling a reason for divorce?

We all know someone who has suffered from an addiction. It is not easy to be in any relationship where one person is out of control. It is even more difficult when one person’s addiction affects the marriage and the family. This is true with drugs, alcohol, shopping,...

Women more likely to be unprepared for divorce

A 2015 study published in Psychology Today says that women initiate divorce 70 percent of the time. However, new statistics from CNBC say that women are not financially prepared for divorce. This combination makes the end of marriage among the top...

Dads Can Do It Too- Being Primary: Guest Blog from a Former Client

I am a dad of 3 daughters. No big deal, right? There are lots of dads with daughters. I am single. Still no big deal. With the divorce rate so high, there are plenty of divorced dads with daughters. Between my 3 daughters, there are 2 mothers.  Daughters 1 and 2, one...

Why Collaborative Law Makes Sense: “A Better Way to Untie the Knot”

The words graceful, healthy and divorce do not go together. The first words clients use to describe the process of divorce are typically words of war: FIGHT, CUSTODY BATTLE, and WINNING. I would like to present a concept to you that is a kinder, gentler way to get...

7 Apps that Help High-Tech Cheating: Affairs on the Smartphone Just Got Easier

Affairs have only become easier with Smartphones. There are a multitude of apps that facilitate and promote adultery.  The thoughtful development of these apps is disturbing to say the least.  If you discover that your better half is using any of the top 7 cheating...

Mediation: Choosing Not to Shake the Magic 8 Ball at Trial

Every good ending has a hard-won and sometimes difficult beginning. Mediation is no different.  The process of ending a marriage in one day of negotiations is gut-wrenching, tragic and emotionally exhausting.  And I’m just speaking from the perspective of being the...

Be Careful What you Ask For: Why You May Reconsider Giving Your Ex More Time with Your Kids

I am paid to “fight for custody” of children, to represent parents who want the majority of access with their children- sometimes at a great cost. I watch clients walk through divorce and then live out the consequences of their choices.  Many times, clients will not...

Another satisfied client!

It is always rewarding when our Firm can help guide clients through one of the toughest experiences they will ever go through in life.  It is our mission at The Law Office of Natalie Gregg to assist our clients with grace and to help clients navigate through the...

Spousal Maintenance in Texas: Myth, Dream or Reality?

Not all states are made equal.  This is especially true with spousal maintenance.  California and New York are great states to be in if you poll divorcees about their maintenance awards.  But Texas falls short in the spousal maintenance arena.  And just as you cannot...

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